Port tent
Do you want to keep the cockpit of your ship clean and dry when you are moored somewhere? Then the port tent is a godsend. A port tent is zipped onto your spray hood and slopes backwards. A marina tent serves exclusively as a cover and is made as standard without windows and stainless steel tube. Our port tents are easy to assemble and quick to store. The use of extra air vents ensures a ventilating effect. Condensation is immediately removed and your boat is optimally protected.

Unlike the 'rear tent', a this type of tent has no windows and no stainless steel tube for support as standard. This makes the tent very easy to assemble and your cockpit is quickly protected from rain and dirt. It is recommended to provide two air holes so that the cloth gets rid of the condensation faster / better ventilated.
Winter tent
If you prefer to cover your entire boat, you can opt for a winter tent.