bimini blue on boat in water

Almost 200 years of experience

Own harbor in Lemmer

Our people sail themselves: recreational and competition

Bimini, the sunroof for motor or sailing boats

Enjoying extra comfort on blistering hot days? A Bimini sunshade, also called 'bimini top' called, offers a solution. This sunroof is used on both sailing and motorboats. The stainless steel frame varies from 2 to 8-piece and is at least 25 mm thick. All individual flaps are equipped with a zipper, making the bimini top easy to disassemble. In addition, it is also possible to extend the bimini top with, for example, a zippered side, front and back, creating additional living space. View the photos below to get an impression of the possibilities.

What is a bimini?

A bimini is a sunshade for a boat. It is also called a sunroof or sunshade. A bimini consists of a stainless steel tubular frame and a strong and weatherproof canvas. It is extraordinary what extra comfort a bimini can give on board: on both warm days and rainy days a bimini increases the living space on board. You sit comfortably in the shade, in the wind, and most of the rain is stopped. 

Bimini set up

Anyone who has ever set up a camping tent knows how difficult it can be! Sailmaker De Vries Maritiem thinks along with its customers, and has developed the smartest and most convenient systems to make installing and setting up the bimini as easy as possible. We work with high-quality materials and strong zippers. The bimini is up in no time, and is also easy to disassemble if necessary. We also ensure that the bimini is always completely tight, this is best for the preservation of the bimini, it makes no noise in high winds, and this is obviously the best look on your ship.

Bimini boat

Any type of boat can add a bimini for extra shade and protection from the sun. Our sail making shop can accommodate all your needs and ideas.

Bimini sailboat

Most sailboats have limited space below deck. The cockpit is often used to enjoy the view, the weather and socializing. A bimini is indispensable for protection from the sun and any rain. Moreover, a bimini is very cozy, it gives just that little extra atmosphere on board.

Bimini motorboat

On a powerboat there are often many opportunities for a nice, generous bimini for protection from the weather. It gives the boat a completely different look,it is a nice upgrade. 

Bimini sloop

A sloop regularly sails in places where there is less wind than on the open water. Therefore, a bimini is very nice to keep the temperature on board pleasant. We have delivered many bimini's for sloops, see some of our projects. 

Buy Bimini

You can contact De Vries Maritiem for a beautiful, high-quality bimini for any ship. Do you want a first indication of the costs? Ask us for a quotation without engagement, or give us a call so you have a first idea of the price of a bimini for your ship.

Bimini rail and other bimini parts

Simply put, the bimini consists of 3 elements: the cloth, the metal construction and the adjustment mechanisms. Our sail making shop supplies all the necessary parts, from canvas to windows and bimini rail, to stainless steel frame and all types of tubes, zippers, suction cups. The stainless steel frame varies from 2 to 8-piece and is at least 25 mm thick.  

Bimini skylight

As a sailor, you have probably encountered the following problem: while steering under the bimini, you can hardly see the position of the sails and the masthead. A skylight offers a solution here: you have the benefits of the bimini, and a good view of your rigging. 


De Vries Maritiem works closely with several fabric suppliers. Only the best fabrics are good enough for us. Therefore we work with:
Sattler Yachtmaster
Sauleda Masacril